Crime Tipline

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Your alertness and cooperation helps us to solve crime in our community, and we continue to depend on your support. Please complete the information below to report a crime, or to provide information about a crime.

    What type of crime are you reporting?

    What is the suspect's name?

    What does the suspect(s) look like? (i.e., height, weight, hair color, eye color, facial hair, eyeglasses, etc.)

    What was the suspect wearing ? (type and color of clothing)

    Does the suspect(s) have any scars, marks or tattoos?

    Where does the suspect live?

    Was there a vehicle involved? If so, what does the vehicle look like? (i.e., car, truck, van, 2dr, 4 dr, make, model, color, year, etc.)

    May we contact you for more information, or do you wish to remain anonymous? (required)
    AnonymousOK to Contact

    Your Name

    Email Address


    Additional Comments