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There are several law enforcement agencies in Clinton County such as the State Patrol, City and Village Police Departments. In each of the 88 counties in Ohio, the Sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer. His primary duty is to give full protection to the unincorporated area of the county, however, he maintains full jurisdiction in all municipalities, townships and villages.

A Sheriff is more than an individual. He has an office behind him made up of deputies and support personnel. It is these individuals who are dedicated to protecting and serving the citizens of Clinton County. The deputies are sworn law enforcement officers appointed by the sheriff to uphold the laws and preserved the public peace.

Clinton County covers approximately 403 square miles and consists of over 750 miles of roadway patrolled by the deputies. Your Sheriff maintains a training program for the deputies which keeps them informed of the latest advancements in law enforcement techniques, technology and legal issues which is vital in our constantly changing world.

Some of the primary duties of these divisions are listed below, however this by no means covers all aspects of our duties. They are too numerous to mention:

  • Service of all warrants, civil and criminal court papers and conduct foreclosure sales.
  • Investigate traffic accidents on roadways, private property and villages.
  • Respond to emergency calls and citizens complaints, enforce traffic laws, conduct residential and business checks.
  • Transportation of inmates to court, prisons, medical appointments, juvenile facilities.
  • Speak to churches, schools, and civil groups to increase public awareness of crime prevention.
  • Operation of the County Jail.
  • Operation of the Clinton County Communications Center and the County E-911 System.
  • Teaching of the D.A.R.E program to our youth in the County Schools.