Offenders classified after January 1, 2008
The law designates Tier classifications for sex offenders as determined by the criminal offense or offenses the offender was convicted of.
Tier 1 – Sex offenders must register with the County Sheriff at least once annually for a period of 15 years. In addition, must register any change of residential address, place of employment, or enrollment in a school or institution of higher education.
Tier 2 – Sex offenders must register with the County Sheriff every 180 days for a period of 25 years. In addition, must register any change of residential address, place of employment, or enrollment in a school or institution of higher education.
Tier 3 – Sex offenders must register with the County Sheriff every 90 days for life. In addition, must register any change of residential address, place of employment, or enrollment in a school or institution of higher education.Offenders are also subject to community notification.
Ohio offenses and Tier classifications
Tier I
- Importuning 2907.07
- Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor 2907.04 (B)(2), unless consensual, case then not registration offense
- Voyeurism 2907.08 (C ) and (D) against a minor
- Sexual Imposition 2907.06
- Gross Sexual Imposition 2907.05 (A)(1)-(3) (5)
- Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance 2907.323 (A)(3) (AWA non-Ohio)
- Voyeurism 2907.08 (A)(B) & (E) (Ohio, non-AWA)
- Child Enticement 2905.05 (sexual motivation) (Ohio, non-AWA)
Tier II
- Compelling Prostitution 2907.21
- Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor 2907.321
- Pandering Sexually Oriented Material Involving a Minor 2907.322
- Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance 2907.323 (A)(1) & (2)
- Child Endangering 2919.22 (B)(5)
- Kidnapping with Sexual Motivation 2905.01 (A)(1)(3)(5)
- Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor 2907.04 (B)(1)(3)(4)
- Any Sexual Offense that occurs after the offender has been classified as a Tier I sex offender
Tier III
- Rape 2907.02
- Sexual Battery 2907.03
- Aggravated Murder with Sexual Motivation 2903.01
- Murder with Sexual Motivation 2903.02
- Unlawful Death or Termination of Pregnancy As A Result of Committing or Attempting to Commit a Felony with Sexual Motivation 2903.04
- Kidnapping of Minor to Engage in Sexual Activity 2905.01(A)(4)
- Kidnapping of Minor, Not By Parent 2905.01(B)
- Gross Sexual Imposition 2907.05 (A)(4) (Under 13)*
- Felonious Assault with Sexual Motivation 2903.11**
- Any Sexual Offense that occurs after the offender has been classified as a Tier II sex offender
* Federal offense is victim under 16 ** comparable to Attempted Sexual Abuse 18 USCS 2242
Offenders classified prior to January 1, 2008
The law requires persons convicted of specified crimes and designated as a Sexual Predator, Habitual Sex Offender or Sexually Oriented Offender, to register with the Sheriff of the county in which they will live. This registration procedure takes place upon release from a term of imprisonment or, if not imprisoned, then upon moving into a county after conviction. The three classifications are defined as follows:
Sexual Predator is defined as a person who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a sexually oriented offense and who is likely in the future to commit additional sexually oriented offenses. Offenders can be classified as sexual predators in one of the following ways: 1. The offender is convicted of a sexually violent offense with a sexually violent predator specification, or 2. The sentencing court, after holding a sexual predator hearing pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 2950.09, determines that the offender is a sexual predator. Offenders designated as sexual predators are subject to registration/verification requirements for life unless a judge modifies or terminates the sexual predator designation. Sexual predators are subject to the neighbor / community notification provisions and are subject to registration/verification every 90 days.
Habitual Sex Offender is defined as a person who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a sexually oriented offense, and who previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one or more sexually oriented offenses. (2950.01) Offenders designated as habitual sex offenders are subject to registration / verification requirements annually for a period of 20 years after release. A sentencing judge may determine that a habitual sex offender is subject to neighbor / community notification.
Sexually Oriented Offender is a person who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a sexually oriented offense, but who has not been designated as a sexual predator or habitual sex offender. Sexually oriented offenders are subject to the registration / verification requirements annually for a period of 10 years after release. These offenders are not subject to neighbor / community notification.
Neighbor Notification is defined as all occupants of residences within one thousand feet of the offender’s place of residence that are located within the county served by the Sheriff (2950.11 Effective 6-13-2002.) (Prior law only required notification to those neighbors adjacent to the property where the offender was living)
Public Records Request -Certain information on registered sex offenders is available under Ohio’s Public Records law. Information may be obtained for registered offenders in Clinton County by coming to the Sheriff’s Office between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A link to our registered sex offenders is provided below and constitutes a public records request. NOTE: We display photos of these registered sex offenders. Only those persons who are required to register and have fulfilled their requirement by law are listed. The Clinton County Sheriff’s Office assumes no liability for damages, directly or indirectly, as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies.
Citizens who abuse information to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders could potentially end law enforcement’s ability to do community notification. Abuse of this information to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders is illegal and violators’ can be prosecuted.
For more information contact:
Sgt. Cathern Smith (937)-382-1611