The Administration Operations Division is comprised an Administrative Assistant, Administrative Clerk, and Administrative Receptionist. There duties comprise of the following:
Civil/Criminal Process– The Clinton Co. Sheriff’s Office is responsible for preparing all paperwork for service by our deputies such as writs, subpoenas summons, warrants, capias’ and many other writs issued from courts. We do not accept fax or email paperwork for service.
Sheriff’s Sales – The office is responsible for advertising and conducting all Sheriff’s Sales and Delinquent Land Tax Sales issued from the Courts. Please see our Sheriff’s Sale page for further information.
Budget – The budgetary area of our office maintains the financial section for all divisions of the Sheriff’s Office.
Payroll – Our computerized payroll division handles a multitude of areas from processing new employees to inputting of all data pertinent for payroll.
Records – We are responsible to maintain and file all reports taken by the Sheriff’s Office as well as compiling necessary criminal statistical information. All offense, auto accidents etc are handled by our Records Section. Copies of reports are available upon public records request. Please call for information should you need a report.
Web Check – web checks are performed. Please bring your driver’s license/state issued ID and where you need your results sent to. Please see our Web Check page for more information. Appointments are required. Payment is due at the time of the prints – no exceptions. We do not invoice anyone.
CCW Licensing – CCW applications are processed. Please bring your completed application w/ photo attached and a copy of your firearms certification. Please see our CCW page for detailed information. Veterans bring your DD2-14. Appointments are required.
Vacant House Checks-The Sheriff’s Office provides patrolling and checking of resident’s homes who are on vacation or away from their home for a short period of time. Properties cannot be left on for long periods of time.
Release of Towed Vehicles: It is the policy of the Clinton Co. Sheriff’s Office that if you are needing to pick up a towed vehicle, you MUST bring your title for the vehicle issued in YOUR NAME only, to show proof of ownership. No Exceptions. You also need your driver’s license. Once you bring those items in and produce them, our office will make sure the vehicle can be released to you only. Any “holds” put on the vehicle will need to cleared by the investigating officer on your case.
For more information contact:
Administrative Assistant to the Sheriff: Kelly Shoemaker (937) 382-1611
Administrative Clerk: Patti Flint (937)-382-1611